Ellen is a public health graduate student and education expert. She has extensive experience mentoring students of all ages to reach their goals and in-depth knowledge on a variety of health topics.

Pain Under the Left Breast: Is It a Heart Attack?

Pain under your left breast or rib cage can be really scary, especially if you’re worried you might be having a heart attack or other medical emergency. However, most cases of chest pain under the left breast and rib cage area are caused by benign or easily treatable conditions. In this decision guide, we’ll first help you determine if your chest pain could be an emergency. Then, we’ll review different kinds of chest pain under the left breast, the potential causes, and how you should address the issue.

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Should You Vape? 3 Pros and 4 Cons of Vaping

Trying to get your questions about vaping answered? Want to know the pros and cons of vaping? In this expert guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about vaping. We’ll provide a brief introduction to e-cigarette and vape use, explain the difference between vaping vs smoking cigarettes, and discuss the benefits of vaping and the negative effects of vaping.

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How to Diagnose Fluid Volume Deficit: Signs and Care Plan

Looking for information about fluid volume deficit? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll explain the fluid volume deficit nursing diagnosis (AKA deficient fluid volume) and describe the causes, symptoms, and signs. We’ll also provide guidance on creating a fluid volume deficit care plan.

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(Updated) Blue Waffles Disease is FAKE – Here’s Why

The internet is full of hoaxes, urban legends, and conspiracy theories. Some internet hoaxes of recent years include the idea that Abraham Lincoln invented Facebook, that Pharrell and Keanu Reeves are immortal vampires, and that the Denver airport is the headquarters of a “New World Order” elite power group controlling the earth from behind the scenes. What can we say—the World Wide Web is weird. But one of the most persistent internet hoaxes of the past few years centers on a completely made-up STD.  It’s called “Blue Waffles Disease” or “Blue Waffle Disease.” Again – it’s completely fake. In this[…]

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Brown Discharge in My Underwear: Is Something Wrong?

It can be nerve-wracking to look down in your underwear and see brown discharge that you aren’t expecting. What can it mean? How does light brown discharge compare to dark brown discharge? Are you pregnant?! Relax. Most of the time, brown discharge (like its white counterpart) is totally normal and nothing to be worried about. But you should still know what’s happening to your body – and what might go wrong. In this guide we’ll break down all the causes of brown discharge, both benign and potentially problematic. We’ll also give you specific steps on how to tell when you need to[…]

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White Discharge in My Underwear: Is Something Wrong?

It can be scary to look down in your underwear and see something you aren’t expecting. An unexpected or unfamiliar discharge can turn even the most level-headed of us into frantic Googlers. A common cause for genital concern in females is white discharge, or leukorrhea. Leukorrhea has a variety of causes. Most are totally normal and benign, while a few are potentially related to an infection. In this guide we’ll go over all the potential causes for vaginal white discharge in your underwear, what to do if you think you do have an infection, and wrap up with how to avoid future[…]

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